








筑波大学附属小学校長 佐々木 昭弘


Greetings from the Principal

 The school was founded in 1873 as a primary school attached to the Normal School and celebrates its 152nd anniversary this year. The history and traditions of the school have been handed down from generation to generation by successive generations of teachers. The teachers of the school have renewed themselves in accordance with the trends of the times and have led the world of education in Japan, especially in the field of primary education.

As an affiliated school of the University of Tsukuba, our mission is to contribute to the resolution of contemporary issues through our efforts and dissemination of the three centre concepts: ‘Leading Education Centre’, ‘Teacher Education Centre’ and ‘International Education Centre’.

 Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, educational activities in our school have been under various restrictions for some time. However, with the convergence of the new coronavirus infection and the move to Class 5, educational activities prior to the coronavirus disaster have finally returned.

 We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your understanding and cooperation with our infection control measures over the years.

 The entire teaching staff will continue to do their utmost to make the school even more enjoyable. We ask for the continued understanding and cooperation of parents and all other concerned parties.

Akihiro Sasaki, Principal, University of Tsukuba Elementary School